
Please find here an overview of Cone Penetration Test (CPT) equipment that you can acquire directly. Some of the systems are second hand and are offered by our customers. The rest is brand new. We can normally deliver these CPT systems from stock.

Basic, Advanced and Professional CPT SKID

The versatile and easy-to-transport CPT SKID for both onshore and nearshore soil investigations. In the showroom we have new basic, advanced and professional versions available.   

More information.

Sondeer-SKID, CPT SKID, Stand alone (4)



Sondeer-SKID, CPT SKID, Stand alone (20)

Advanced CPT SKID


Professional Skid

Professional CPT SKID

Light weight CPT system

The easy-to-use & easy-to-operate light & compact HYSON 100 kN-LW with 10 pushing force for locations inaccessible to other equipment.

More information.

Onshore CPT equipment website  (22)

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